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An Introduction to the Human Brain: Basic Anatomy & Neuropsychological Functions (Foundation Course)
Let's Get Started
Welcome to the course (1:26)
What you will need
Module 1: The Gross Structure
Part 1: Terms of location & the lateral surface (12:32)
Part 2: The medial surface & regions (7:20)
Module 1 Information Sheet
Module 1 Quiz
Module 2: The Lobes in Detail
Gyri, lobules, poles & sulci of the lateral surface (11:19)
Module 2 Information Sheet
Module 2 Quiz
Module 3: The Limbic Lobe & System
Key regions & their location (13:16)
Module 3 Information Sheet
Module 3 Quiz
Module 4: The Microstructure of the Brain
Neurons & connectivity (19:15)
Module 4 Information Sheet
Module 4 Quiz
Module 5: How the Brain Functions
Associating brain structure to function Video 1 (25:00)
Associating brain structure to function Video 2 (24:33)
Module 5 Video 1 Information Sheet
Module 5 Video 2 Information Sheet
Module 5 Quiz
Part 2: The medial surface & regions
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